Report Content for Legal Reasons

We take inappropriate content seriously

If you see content on a Google product that you believe violates the law or your rights, let us know. We’ll review the material and consider blocking, limiting, or removing access to it. Behaviors like phishing, violence, or explicit content may also violate our product policies and qualify for removal from Google products. Before creating a request, try to flag the content in the relevant product. 

Create a request

To submit an effective request through our webforms, follow the steps below:

  1. Select the Google product where the content you are reporting appears.
  2. Select the reason you wish to report content. 
  3. Once you reach the correct webform, please include the specific URL(s) of the content you want to report, as opposed to the link to the website’s home page. Learn how to find the correct URL
  4. Be as specific as you can about what content on the page is violative, and why you are reporting it. Provide as much background information as is necessary for us to effectively evaluate your request. 
  5. After you file a request, you will receive an email confirmation and a reference number. 
  6. Monitor your email, as we may contact you with questions or requests for clarification.
  7. If the content you are reporting appears in multiple Google products, please submit a separate notice for each relevant product.
  8. We endeavor to respond to valid notices as soon as we can.

Note: We can restrict access to content that appears in Google products and services, but that content may still exist elsewhere on the web. This is why you may wish to contact the website owner and ask them to remove the content.

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