Спокойной ночи, малыши
Битрейт: 320 kbps
Звуки и музыка из передачи "Спокойной ночи, малыши" скачать и слушать онлайн
Звуки и музыка из телепередач.
Количество звуков: 9.
Качество: Высокое.
Формат файлов: mp3.
Мелодия, с которой начинается "Спокойной ночи, малыши" (2023 год)
[550,75 Kb] (cкачиваний: 3981). Тип файла: mp3.
Песня: Олег Анофриев - Спят усталые игрушки (хорошее качество)[3,47 Mb] (cкачиваний: 2084). Тип файла: mp3.
Звук начала передачи "Спокойной ночи, малыши" (2000 год) - интро[1,09 Mb] (cкачиваний: 209). Тип файла: mp3.
Звук заставки телепередачи "Спокойной ночи, малыши" (1996 год)[553,19 Kb] (cкачиваний: 392). Тип файла: mp3.
Мелодия в самом начале передачи "Спокойной ночи, малыши" (самая первая телепередача, которая была выпущена в 1964 году)[994,01 Kb] (cкачиваний: 302). Тип файла: mp3.
Звуки и музыка из передачи "Спокойной ночи, малыши" теперь есть в нашей коллекции. Скачайте наши SFX-файлы на свой компьютер, телефон или планшет. Это бесплатно. Используйте их для всех своих проектов.
Перед началом программы показывалась надпись компании "Класс" под этот звук (в 1996 году)
[173,6 Kb] (cкачиваний: 125). Тип файла: mp3.
Звук концовки в телепередаче "Спокойной ночи, малыши" (1964 год)[1,67 Mb] (cкачиваний: 277). Тип файла: mp3.
Музыка конца передачи "Спокойной ночи, малыши"[1,83 Mb] (cкачиваний: 458). Тип файла: mp3.
Звук заставки "С добрым утром, малыши!" (начало передачи)[522,17 Kb] (cкачиваний: 302). Тип файла: mp3.
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Звуки и музыка из передачи "Спокойной ночи, малыши" в хорошем качестве опубликованы на нашем сайте. "Спокойной ночи, малыши!" - это ностальгическая и обожаемая детская передача, которая уже несколько десятилетий радует маленьких зрителей в России. Особую атмосферу тепла и уюта создают звуки и музыка этого телешоу. Великолепная музыкальная тема, воспроизводимая на начало и окончание передачи, стала символом приближения ночи для многих российских детей.
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„Наши дети остаются в нас. А мы остаемся в наших детях.“
— Михаил Сафарбекович Гуцериев
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01. Спасибо
02. Ю feat. Kooza K2o
03. Дети кукурузы
04. На баяне
05. В грибах
06. Спокойной ночи, малыши
07. Киса кис feat. Kooza K2o, NIZAWAVES
08. Сосиски в кипятке
09. Ц.б.ж.
10. Зарница feat. Гио Пика
11. Вадюша
12. Олимпийские игры
Спят усталые игрушки. Слушать и скачать бесплатно
Спят усталые игрушки – наверное, самая культовая колыбельная песня на всем широчайшем постсоветском пространстве. Мелодия была написана для заставки к передаче Спокойной ночи, малыши композитором А. Островским и детской поэтессой З. Петровой. Малыши разных возрастов узнают песню по первым аккордам и всегда рады слушать эту блистательную мелодию. Песня Спят усталые игрушки навевает детям дрёму и помогает перейти в царство сна. Маме только остается дать малышу слушать эту колыбельную онлайн, и можно быть спокойной – ребенок непременно уснет. На сайте также есть возможность бесплатно скачать эту популярную колыбельную.Текст песни:
Спят усталые игрушки, книжки спят.
Одеяла и подушки ждут ребят.
Даже сказка спать ложится,
Чтобы ночью нам присниться.
Ты ей пожелай:
Обязательно по дому в этот час
Тихо-тихо ходит дрема возле нас.
За окошком всё темнее,
Утро ночи мудренее.
Глазки закрывай,
В сказке можно покататься на луне.
И по радуге промчаться на коне.
Со слоненком подружиться
И поймать перо Жар-птицы.
Глазки закрывай,
Баю-бай, должны все люди ночью спать.
Баю-баю, завтра будет день опять.
За день мы устали очень,
Скажем всем: "Спокойной ночи!"
Глазки закрывай,
В чем волшебная снотворная сила этой колыбельной? Все просто: слушая песню, ребенок понимает, что не только он один собирается спать - ведь вместе с ним отходят ко сну его любимые игрушки, интересные книжки и даже сказки. И, конечно, вместе даже засыпать веселее и спокойнее – так как ребенок понимает, что раз все дорогие ему вещи будут спать – то и он не пропустит ничего важного. А ведь боязнь упустить самое интересное, как правило, и мешает крохе уснуть. Слушать колыбельную песню Спят усталые игрушки можно на этой странице онлайн.
На данной странице Вы можете бесплатно скачать табулатуры песен Спокойной ночи, малыши!. Табулатуры Спокойной ночи, малыши! представлены в формате программы Guitar Pro.
Вы собираетесь купить все аранжировки автора Евгений Пожидаев по цене ₽4350 за 88 шт.
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"This is my go to for all my certification needs. The staff is smart, knowledgeable, helpful, interactive. It's good this class doesn't let you sit around and doze off. I've been doing ACLS/BLS etc...for 15 years and these classes are the best by far. There's always a class going on, works perfect for my rotating schedule."
New York
Gear Up With CPR
New York
"This is my go to for all my certification needs. The staff is smart, knowledgeable, helpful, interactive. It's good this class doesn't let you sit around and doze off. I've been doing ACLS/BLS etc...for 15 years and these classes are the best by far. There's always a class going on, works perfect for my rotating schedule."HeartSaver First Aid CPR AED
"I like that we did CPR with her as if we were in a real scenario. She guided us as we did each task."
Gear Up With CPR
"I like that we did CPR with her as if we were in a real scenario. She guided us as we did each task."HeartSaver First Aid
"I will always continue to recertify with, Gear Up With ACLS! I took this course for BLS and Heartsaver First Aid. All the staff is very professional, knowledgeable and helpful. They make a long course very enjoyable, interactive, easy to follow along and straight to the point. You never feel bored or ready to doze off at anytime during the course. You always leave feeling very confident in your ability to save a life if the time came."
New York
Gear Up With CPR
New York
"I will always continue to recertify with, Gear Up With ACLS! I took this course for BLS and Heartsaver First Aid. All the staff is very professional, knowledgeable and helpful. They make a long course very enjoyable, interactive, easy to follow along and straight to the point. You never feel bored or ready to doze off at anytime during the course. You always leave feeling very confident in your ability to save a life if the time came."ACLS
"Fantastic teacher! Had his material and his teaching process down pat; he knew how to engage everyone and bring out their strengths. I've taken many ACLS/BLS/PALS courses over the years - best classes I've ever taken."
New York
Gear Up With CPR
New York
"Fantastic teacher! Had his material and his teaching process down pat; he knew how to engage everyone and bring out their strengths. I've taken many ACLS/BLS/PALS courses over the years - best classes I've ever taken."HeartSaver CPR AED
"Keep up the good work. You made the class very enjoyable."
Gear Up With CPR
"Keep up the good work. You made the class very enjoyable."New York
Gear Up With CPR
New York
"I came back here just to have James. He is very kind about adapting to me artificial knees etc."
New York
Gear Up With CPR
New York
"I came back here just to have James. He is very kind about adapting to me artificial knees etc."ACLS
"Carissa is very intelligent and made the class easy to understand and get through!"
New York
Gear Up With CPR
New York
"Carissa is very intelligent and made the class easy to understand and get through!"ACLS
"The instructor was incredibly knowledgable and respectful. I took my classes at their Brooklyn location and was so impressed by the instructor's techniques for assessing my knowledge while providing one-on-one support and explaining topics where I needed to improve. I re-certified for ACLS and PALS and would highly recommend them for any medical professional who is seeking advanced certifications."
New York
Gear Up With CPR
New York
"The instructor was incredibly knowledgable and respectful. I took my classes at their Brooklyn location and was so impressed by the instructor's techniques for assessing my knowledge while providing one-on-one support and explaining topics where I needed to improve. I re-certified for ACLS and PALS and would highly recommend them for any medical professional who is seeking advanced certifications."ACLS
"The BEST ACLS class I've had in my 20 year nursing career."
New York
Gear Up With CPR
New York
"The BEST ACLS class I've had in my 20 year nursing career."PALS
"Did my PALS here today. Never wanted to go after such a hard certification but my job required it. I heard from many other nurses its very difficult and I was scared but I'm very glad I found this provider. James was a wonderful instructor, very knowledgeable, patient, and helpful. Rhythm reading is not my strong suit but James thoroughly explained everything until it made sense. I will definitely be returning here when I'm due to renew. I highly recommend this to anyone that wants to take a BLS/ACLS class with a quality instructor and walk away with a better understanding of the process."
New York
Gear Up With CPR
New York
"Did my PALS here today. Never wanted to go after such a hard certification but my job required it. I heard from many other nurses its very difficult and I was scared but I'm very glad I found this provider. James was a wonderful instructor, very knowledgeable, patient, and helpful. Rhythm reading is not my strong suit but James thoroughly explained everything until it made sense. I will definitely be returning here when I'm due to renew. I highly recommend this to anyone that wants to take a BLS/ACLS class with a quality instructor and walk away with a better understanding of the process."ACLS
"Eva was fantastic. She was extremely knowledgeable and able to teach in a way that we could all understand."
Gear Up With CPR
"Eva was fantastic. She was extremely knowledgeable and able to teach in a way that we could all understand."HeartSaver CPR AED
"James gave us a CPR class for our family tonight and it was amazing. I haven't done any CPR training since more than 25 years ago, never even got certified for it. Me, my sister, my brother-in-law, my mom, and my niece attended the class which was remotely held at my sister's place. James did such a memorable training by making sure that he made each of us do the procedures just like it was real. And it did feel incredibly real. He has given my family confidence and inspiration to help save each other and other people. I highly recommend Gear Up With CPR to do everyone's CPR and life-saving training."
New York
Gear Up With CPR
New York
"James gave us a CPR class for our family tonight and it was amazing. I haven't done any CPR training since more than 25 years ago, never even got certified for it. Me, my sister, my brother-in-law, my mom, and my niece attended the class which was remotely held at my sister's place. James did such a memorable training by making sure that he made each of us do the procedures just like it was real. And it did feel incredibly real. He has given my family confidence and inspiration to help save each other and other people. I highly recommend Gear Up With CPR to do everyone's CPR and life-saving training."BLS
"Chelsea was a great instructor! She was very nice & did a great job explaining the correct techniques."
Gear Up With CPR
"Chelsea was a great instructor! She was very nice & did a great job explaining the correct techniques."ACLS
"James is a good and knowledgeable instructor and dedicated as well, he will make it sure that his student is capable of applying knowledge and skills he taught, he is friendly and approachable if there is something you're not sure of. Once again thank you so much to James and the Gear up family. Hope you help more students in terms of saving a life. More power and God Bless."
New York
Gear Up With CPR
New York
"James is a good and knowledgeable instructor and dedicated as well, he will make it sure that his student is capable of applying knowledge and skills he taught, he is friendly and approachable if there is something you're not sure of. Once again thank you so much to James and the Gear up family. Hope you help more students in terms of saving a life. More power and God Bless."PALS
"I've taken BLS, ACLS and PALS with the Gear Up with ACLS staff. I met them during my residency and I have continued to work with them. They have convenient scheduling and a straightforward teaching style. They highlight practical things and debrief after practice codes in a constructive way. They want to make sure you understand in order to save a life, not just get a work certification. Everyone in the class participated enthusiastically and the time went by fairly quickly."
New York
Gear Up With CPR
New York
"I've taken BLS, ACLS and PALS with the Gear Up with ACLS staff. I met them during my residency and I have continued to work with them. They have convenient scheduling and a straightforward teaching style. They highlight practical things and debrief after practice codes in a constructive way. They want to make sure you understand in order to save a life, not just get a work certification. Everyone in the class participated enthusiastically and the time went by fairly quickly."BLS
"My instructor was amazing. I feel very confident after my class with her."
Gear Up With CPR
"My instructor was amazing. I feel very confident after my class with her."New York
Gear Up With CPR
New York
"James was a great instructor and these courses were very educational and efficient. I would recommend them to anyone needing to certify or recertify! I took ACLS, BLS, and PALS."
New York
Gear Up With CPR
New York
"James was a great instructor and these courses were very educational and efficient. I would recommend them to anyone needing to certify or recertify! I took ACLS, BLS, and PALS."BLS
"Probably the best BLS class I've taken and as a travel RN I've done a few."
Gear Up With CPR
"Probably the best BLS class I've taken and as a travel RN I've done a few."BLS
"She had a lot of hands on training which was super helpful."
Gear Up With CPR
"She had a lot of hands on training which was super helpful."Peripheral IV Skills
"I was looking for somewhere to take a PALS course after deciding to return to Nursing after 5 years. I'm so glad I found Gear Up. I took BLS, PALS and the IV Certification Course and they made whatever anxiousness I had about going back to work go away. We had Instructor Charles for BLS and PALS and he was fantastic and James was so knowledgeable and PATIENT during the IV class with myself and my daughter. If they offer any other Pediatric classes, I will be taking them and of course will renew all my certifications when the time comes. My daughter is in Nursing School, so she will go there as well."
New York
Gear Up With CPR
New York
"I was looking for somewhere to take a PALS course after deciding to return to Nursing after 5 years. I'm so glad I found Gear Up. I took BLS, PALS and the IV Certification Course and they made whatever anxiousness I had about going back to work go away. We had Instructor Charles for BLS and PALS and he was fantastic and James was so knowledgeable and PATIENT during the IV class with myself and my daughter. If they offer any other Pediatric classes, I will be taking them and of course will renew all my certifications when the time comes. My daughter is in Nursing School, so she will go there as well."ACLS
"I look forward to my 2022 recertification."
Gear Up With CPR
"I look forward to my 2022 recertification."BLS
"Awesome instructor. Very professional and well-spoken. Pleasant sense of humor. Joel is THE guy. Thank you!"
New York
Gear Up With CPR
New York
"Awesome instructor. Very professional and well-spoken. Pleasant sense of humor. Joel is THE guy. Thank you!"BLS
"James was a very effective instructor for my BLS renewal course. He went over all the important points as well as the changes since the last update and reinforced these points through examples. This course offers same-day BLS cards for a quick renewal as well as supplementary materials if desired."
New York
Gear Up With CPR
New York
"James was a very effective instructor for my BLS renewal course. He went over all the important points as well as the changes since the last update and reinforced these points through examples. This course offers same-day BLS cards for a quick renewal as well as supplementary materials if desired."BLS
"James was detail-oriented and made sure we pay close attention even to the little things. He did not miss a mistake."
New York
Gear Up With CPR
New York
"James was detail-oriented and made sure we pay close attention even to the little things. He did not miss a mistake."BLS
"Enjoyed the class, instructor inform class of the new changes at the very beginning, class was small and each stage was easily absorbed."
New York
Gear Up With CPR
New York
"Enjoyed the class, instructor inform class of the new changes at the very beginning, class was small and each stage was easily absorbed."ACLS
"James and his crew are top notch! They provide all the necessary information I needed to renew my ACLS certification. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!"
New York
Gear Up With CPR
New York
"James and his crew are top notch! They provide all the necessary information I needed to renew my ACLS certification. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!"ACLS
"Great course, as a pharmacist I am not privy to as many emergency situations as the other students (nurses, EMT, etc) but Eva was outstanding in helping me through some of the tough situations. I really learned a lot more about monitoring the patient and what to use in various emergency situations. Overall, an excellent class."
Gear Up With CPR
"Great course, as a pharmacist I am not privy to as many emergency situations as the other students (nurses, EMT, etc) but Eva was outstanding in helping me through some of the tough situations. I really learned a lot more about monitoring the patient and what to use in various emergency situations. Overall, an excellent class."BLS
"I've been taking this course for over 30 years and think Carissa was one of the best teachers that I've ever had. Please let me know if she will be teaching PALS and I will sign up. Thank you!"
New York
Gear Up With CPR
New York
"I've been taking this course for over 30 years and think Carissa was one of the best teachers that I've ever had. Please let me know if she will be teaching PALS and I will sign up. Thank you!"HeartSaver First Aid CPR AED
"Eva was the best teacher I've had and I've had cpr training a LOT."
Gear Up With CPR
"Eva was the best teacher I've had and I've had cpr training a LOT."BLS
"The instructor was amazing! Very professional and very clear with the material."
Gear Up With CPR
"The instructor was amazing! Very professional and very clear with the material."BLS
"Vern- instructor did a great job teaching the class. Very knowledgeable and made us feel very comfortable."
Gear Up With CPR
"Vern- instructor did a great job teaching the class. Very knowledgeable and made us feel very comfortable."BLS
"Great teacher with excellent instructions and demonstrations! Will use again in the future."
Gear Up With CPR
"Great teacher with excellent instructions and demonstrations! Will use again in the future."BLS
"An awesome instructor and a very well planned out class, what more could you ask for??!! Vern was very informative and very patient with all the students. He effectively corrected instruction without making anyone feel stupid or belittled. He created such a fun and informative class that I would take it again just to hang out. In all seriousness, this is probably the best BLS/CPR class I have ever taken."
Gear Up With CPR
"An awesome instructor and a very well planned out class, what more could you ask for??!! Vern was very informative and very patient with all the students. He effectively corrected instruction without making anyone feel stupid or belittled. He created such a fun and informative class that I would take it again just to hang out. In all seriousness, this is probably the best BLS/CPR class I have ever taken."PALS
"Honestly it was the most efficient, well-run, engaging, FUN, CPR courses I've taken. Big thanks and would definitely seek out Gear Up because of it."
New York
Gear Up With CPR
New York
New YorkACLS
"Thank you James for your clear, concise and thorough class. It was much appreciated."
New York
Gear Up With CPR
New York
"Thank you James for your clear, concise and thorough class. It was much appreciated."ACLS
"James was extremely professional and courteous. I have recommended many friends to his class all of which will continue to use him for their recertification. Great instructor!"
New York
Gear Up With CPR
New York
"James was extremely professional and courteous. I have recommended many friends to his class all of which will continue to use him for their recertification. Great instructor!"HeartSaver First Aid CPR AED
"Eva was an excellent instructor who was very knowledgeable and made the class fun."
Gear Up With CPR
"Eva was an excellent instructor who was very knowledgeable and made the class fun."ACLS
"Just took the class yesterday with Eva and it was awesome! She was an amazing instructor and took the time to explain everything. I definitely recommend this place, especially Eva as the instructor!"
Gear Up With CPR
"Just took the class yesterday with Eva and it was awesome! She was an amazing instructor and took the time to explain everything. I definitely recommend this place, especially Eva as the instructor!"BLS
"Joel was amazing, very patient with me when I had many questions, he sat down and explained everything thoroughly, and when I didnt understand content he was able to explain it to me in a different scenario. I would 100% schedule with Joel again."
New York
Gear Up With CPR
New York
"Joel was amazing, very patient with me when I had many questions, he sat down and explained everything thoroughly, and when I didnt understand content he was able to explain it to me in a different scenario. I would 100% schedule with Joel again."BLS
"Claude was a great instructor. Clear and direct information answering any questions I had and offering constructive criticism so I was confident when it was time to demonstrate what I learned."
Gear Up With CPR
"Claude was a great instructor. Clear and direct information answering any questions I had and offering constructive criticism so I was confident when it was time to demonstrate what I learned."Gear Up With CPR
The Gear Up Advantage
10,000+ Students!
We are the fastest growing training site.Engaging Exercises
Manikins, masks, and more. There won't be a dull moment.Quick Certification
Get certified within 24 hours of successful course completion.Awesome Instructors
They're the reason why 65% of our business is referrals.Onsite Training
We will come to your facility, university, or home.Customer Service
Call or Text us 24/7 on 347-541-8630About Us
Gear Up With CPR is an AHA certified training site providing valuable services, products, and courses to all 50 US states. We provide quality at the best prices and offer quick certification in a variety of certification areas including BLS, ACLS, PALS, HeartSaver First Aid, AED, and others.
We also provide a scholarship opportunity to anyone that takes one of our courses. The Lukose & Jacob Scholarship fund was established in 2013 with the mission to provide financial assistance to individuals that have taken BLS, CPR, or ACLS through Gear Up With CPR. Take a class with us and apply!
Текст песни «Спят усталые игрушки»
Спят усталые игрушки, книжки спят.
Одеяла и подушки ждут ребят.
Даже сказка спать ложится,
Чтобы ночью нам присниться.
Ты ей пожелай:
В сказке можно покататься на луне
И по радуге промчаться на коне,
Со слоненком подружиться
И поймать перо Жар-птицы.
Глазки закрывай,
Обязательно по дому в этот час
Тихо-тихо ходит дрема возле нас.
За окошком всё темнее,
Утро ночи мудренее.
Глазки закрывай,
Баю-бай, должны все люди ночью спать.
Баю-баю, завтра будет день опять.
За день мы устали очень,
Скажем всем: «Спокойной ночи!»
Глазки закрывай,